Visit To "Alun-alun" Yogyakarta

Visit To "Alun-alun" Yogyakarta - What is Alun-alun Yogyakarta? Alun-alun is the central place to relax and gather.  There are two alun-alun in Yogyakarta, that is  alun-alun selatan (southern city square) and alun-alun utara (northern city square). Alun-alun selatan is located in front of the palace and is known kidul alun-alun or alkid. And Alun-alun utara is located in behind the palace and is known as alun-alun utara, lor alun-alun  or altar Yogyakarta.

alun alun selatan yogyakarta

Alun-alun utara (northern city square).

To reach alun-alun utara , tourists can walk from Malioboro, which is the chepest shopping center, and you just need eight minutes to arrive there. While , if you want to go alun-alun selatan, you can go by becak, which is traditional transportation in Indonesia, and you only have to pay IDR.20.000,- or $2. Previously, Lor alun-alun is a special area where only certain people are be allowed entry. There are rules if you want to enter there, like you shouldn’t use vehichle, shoes, slippers, cane, and an umbrella. It is form of Respect to King Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.  But nowadays, lor alun-alun could be used as public space,  like Sekaten fair,Gerebek Maulid Nabi, Kraton ceremony and soon.

alun alun utara yogyakarta

Alun-alun selatan (southern city square)

Alun-alun selatan is very crowded than alun-alun utara. What is the special of alun-alun selatan? There are two banyan trees planted on the center of alun-alun utara. According to the story, if there are visitors who could pass road between two trees with closed eyes, their request will be granted. This is what makes tourists are interested in trying to passing it. We can take a message from this term that we have to work hard and keep our heart pure to achieve our destination.

Are you interested to try this games? Okay, I will give you tutorial this games. First  you must prepare cloth / handkerchief which are not transparent, after that Close your eyes with the cloth. Next, you will be rotated 360 degrees as much as 2 times. And you must be walking alone.  Noted! Do not give guide the way. If you don’t bring handkerchief, you can rent it in there, and you only have to pay  IDR.4000,-. 

If you are bored playing this games?  Do not worry, there is still more amusement. What is it ? Yup, it is odong-odong. Do you know odong-odong? Odong-odong is like  pedicabs, but modified on the front. Each odong-odong can contain 2 to 8 people in it. Where all passengers have to drive it.  It is very cheap. Only IDR. 50,000 - IDR. 80,000 for 3 times around. if you tired after playing ? do not be afraid of hunger or thirst because in there, there are variety of food and cheap culinary. I hope that this article can be a source of reference on vacation in Indonesia.

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